Global Warming Challenges and Solutions at Just Act Natural
Just Act Natural, a green eco-lifestyle retail shop in downtown Appleton, will be hosting a presentation based off the Al Gore Academy Award-winning documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.”
Sue Loomans of Wauwatosa will be visiting Just Act Natural on Thursday, Nov. 3 to discuss “Global Warming Challenges and Solutions.”
Loomans, who has a Master of Science degree in climatology, will begin her presentation with a review of the latest science behind global warming, and how the earth systems are responding to atmospheric changes. Her talk will then turn to solutions, and address everyday decisions that can make a difference. Loomans will discuss ways that each person can become a leader in the climate movement through local communities, businesses and governments.
“Melting arctic ice, droughts in the West, record-breaking floods, tornadoes in January,” Loomans said. “These are some of the headlines we read about each day. But what do they mean?” Loomans asked. “As it becomes clearer that these events are related to human-induced climate change, the more import question becomes ‘What can we do about it’.”
In 2007, Loomans was trained by former Vice-President and Nobel Prize winner Gore as a presenter for the “Climate Reality Project,” a slide presentation based on the material from Gore’s documentary.
Loomans now delivers presentations on global warming to a variety of audiences, highlighting the global challenges of these phenomena, and strategies people can implement to meet them.
Loomans has studied climate change in places ranging from the Midwest to as far away as Antarctica, and is committed to working on the climate crisis. She also works as an independent sustainable housing developer. Previously, she was executive director for the Wisconsin Green Building Alliance, a non-profit organization that promotes sustainable building practices across the state.
For more information on The Climate Reality Project, go to
Loomans’ free presentation will begin at 7pm and last 45 minutes, followed by a question and answer period. RSVP’s are appreciated. Contact Just Act Natural at 920-574-2932 or to reserve your spot. Just Act Natural is located at 129 E. College Ave., Appleton. Space is limited.
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