Great Community Participation at Downtown Plan Review Open House
The City of Appleton is in the process of exploring ideas to enhance our downtown and entire city. You can learn more about the entire project at www.envisionappleton.og
This week the city and ADI held an exciting three day design workshop (or charrette) to explore ideas for enhancing our wonderful City. The purpose of the design workshop was to help build consensus around priority action items and projects within the downtown study area as well as the City’s off street trail network.
The workshop addressed land use, transportation, place-making, and specific redevelopment/new development opportunities within the study area. See the events pages for more details on specific opportunities to have your voice heard!
The Downtown Plan Review Open House format allowed our community members to come together and review display boards and leave comments on proposed concepts generated over the three day design workshop.
These concepts were drafted during the public workshops earlier in the week. There was also a 20-30 minute formal presentation at 5:30pm and at 6:30pm
Following this 3-day public planning portion, City staff Appleton Downtown Inc. and SEH consultants, will work collaboratively to craft a final version of the downtown plan to present to the Common Council for approval this fall.
Questions or need more information? Visit our project page at http://